Infinitive and gerund phrases pdf

An infinitive may be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Using verb forms as subjects when functioning as the subject of a sentence, gerunds and infinitives always use a singular verb. Gerunds and infinitives can function b to compose a sonata would take months. They require a preposition followed by a gerund ing form. Simply stated, this is the infinitive form of a verb plus any complements and modifiers. Gerunds infinitives esl activities worksheets games. A verbal is a word formed from a verb but functioning as a different part of speech, usually a noun. The gerund ends in ing and functions as a noun jumping is fun he liked skiing he had a unique way of whistling the infinitive is the base form of a verb with to.

Then on the line before each sentence, identify how the gerund or gerund phrase is used by writing s for subject, p. Also called an infinitival phrase and a toinfinitive phrase, it is a construction made up of the particle to and the base form of a verb, with or without modifiers, complements. This mini flip book is filled with information, examples, and activities for past and present participles, gerunds, infinitives, participle phrases, gerund phrases, infinitive phrases. You need not separately identify a prepositional phrase that is part of a larger phrase. A phrase can act as a noun, an adjective, a preposition or an adverb. She is looking forward to visiting his aunt in chicago. Also called an infinitival phrase and a toinfinitive phrase. Underline the gerund or gerund phrases in the sentences below. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with to. Gerund and infinitive phrases the university of texas at dallas.

A gerund is a noun made from a verb root plus ing a present participle. Page 1 of 15 verbals gerunds and participles gerunds a gerund is a verbal that ends in ing and functions as a noun. Gerunds and infinitives some important rules azar grammar. An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive plus its modifiers and complements. Page 3 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun phrases do using these six sentences, write a paragraph using either a gerund or an infinitive where appropriate. The gerund phrase is the subject of the verb takes. Gerund and infinitive pdf worksheets english vocabulary.

Knowing which verbs or phrases are followed by gerunds, infinitives or either can be a. An infinitive is the basic form of a verb as in to talk. Page 2 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun phrases do cloze exercise. Gerunds are formed when an ing ending is added to a verb, and every infinitive is composed of to plus a verb. He was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid work whenever he could. Jul 23, 2018 in english grammar, an infinitive phrase is a verbal construction made up of the particle to and the base form of a verb, with or without modifiers, complements, and objects. It is a g ood test to determine if an infinitive is functioning as an adverb. The function of a phrase depends upon its construction and place in a sentence. Ben decided to fly a kite in a the first infinitive phrase is used as a noun, telling what ben decided.

Gerund and infinitive phrases gerunds and infinitives are both verbals. In english, infinitives generally use to with the base present form of the verb. Although infinitives contain verbs, they cannot function as verbs. Gerund as subject or object exercise 1 schoolmanager 20181124t17. Gerunds and infinitives some important rules the form of the verb that ends in ing is called a gerund when used as a noun. The most disastrous activity for women with long, curly hair is blowing huge bubble gum bubble with the car windows down piling a dozen heavy boxes on a wooden table is a disaster waiting to happen eating a glass of ice cubes on a summer day can. Infinitives and infinitive phrases underline the infinitive phrase in the following phrases. Infinitives and infinitive phrases an infinitive is the presenttense form of a verb preceded by the word to. The gerund phrase is the object of the preposition after. Impossible to miss, the monument is right on the lake. Gerund and infintive b1 pdf worksheets english practice. A gerund is a verb in its ing present participle form that functions as a noun that names an activity rather than a person or thing. Also called an infinitival phrase and a to infinitive phrase, it is a construction made up of the particle to and the base form of a verb, with or without modifiers, complements. Because their function is that of a noun, gerunds may be used as the subject of a sentence.

Verbs and phrases followed by a gerund he apologized for being late. Regret with the infinitive is used to give bad news in a formal, polite way. If an infinitive or infinitive phrase can be moved to the beginning of the sentence, then that infinitive or infinitive phrase modifies the verb 199. A verbal is a verb form used as another part of speech. Sep 26, 2014 certain words cannot be used with an infinitive. In english, if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive.

The form of the verb that ends in ing is called a gerund when used as a noun. Depending upon its function in a sentence, phrases are divided into various types. Some people prefer getting up early in the morning. Is the gerund subject or object in the sentence in an exercise. The gerund phrase the gerund phrase consists of the gerund, which always ends in ing, and its modifiers and complements. English esl gerund worksheets most downloaded 286 results. Also called an infinitival phrase and a to infinitive phrase. Is the gerund in the following sentencesquestions used as a subject, object or as a complement. The construction workers worried about losing their jobs. Gerunds and infinitives yuri was in his first year at university, studying history. It can take on the role of a subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. In pairs or small groups, students talk about the questions in the boxes, paying special attention to the verb pattern normally infiniti. Infinitives and infinitive phrases english grammar 101. Verbals gerunds, participles, infinitives gerunds a gerund is a verbal that ends in ing and functions as a noun.

Help your students learn, remember, and understand verbals. Before everything else, let us first know what infinitive phrases are. Some verbs can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive without causing a change in meaning. Noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, gerund phrase, infinitive phrase and absolute phrase. A gerund phrase is a phrase consisting of a gerund and any modifiers or objects associated with it. Infinitive phrases infinitives can be combined with other words and phrases to provide additional information about the action expressed in the infinitive. An infinitive is a verbal, a verb form or construction that plays the role of a different part of speech in a sentence. Gerund is subject gerund is object gerund is complement. The students complete each sentence with the verb in brackets in its gerund or infinitive form. Rules for using gerunds and infinitives to describe an action. An infinitive is a verb formoften preceded by the particle tothat can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Complete the following sentences based on the passage in exercise 7. The infinitive can work as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

Gi003 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form intermediate. Page 3 of 15 verbals gerunds and participles exercise on gerunds. English practice downloadable pdf grammar and vocabulary worksheets. Understanding the role that nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections play in speech is essential in enhancing our skills in writing and reading.

The explanation will be followed by two practice activities with these grammar forms. Gerund infinitive gi 5 fill in the gerund with the correct preposition. Here is a lost of infinitives which are often but not always, these two parts are together. To learn more about how gerund phrases are used in a sentence, try studying the examples below. Infinitive and gerund infinitive after an adjective example. Gi004 gerund and infinitive gi003 gerund and infinitive mixed sentences. The entire phrase functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Here is a gerunds and infinitives worksheet to test students knowledge of gerunds and infinitives with to. In such expressions, use a gerund, not an infinitive, after.

Forget with the infinitive means something happens at or after a certain time. I dont like crying in public unless im getting paid for it. In the first sentence, the gerund crying serves as the direct object. The gerund phrase is the direct object of finished. Page 1 of 15 verbals gerunds and participles gerunds. Gerund and infinitive worksheet in this printable worksheet, the rules for using gerunds and infinitives will be explained in detail. Gerunds are formed when an ing ending is added to a verb, and every infinitive is composed of. We are going to take each of these separately in these worksheets. Types of phrases noun phrase, verb phrase, gerund phrase. Using gerunds and infinitives with other verbs in english is a tricky thing, because some verbs are followed only by infinitives and other verbs only by gerunds, while certain verbs may be followed by either one. We are also going to have sheets for both recognizing the verbal by itself and then as a verbal phrase.

Instead, verbals function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Gerund and infinitive phrases university of texas at dallas. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. Page 1 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun phrases do.

Furthermore, use of infinitive or gerund after a certain verb may totally change the meaning of a sentence. Adjective and adverbs downloadable pdf worksheets for english language learners intermediate level b1 home b1 grammar gerund and infinitive gerund and infintive b1. The same spelling rules that apply to the progressive tenses also apply to gerunds. Gerund as subject or object english grammar exercises. I dont like to cry in public unless im getting paid for it.

An infinitive is a verb that has not been conjugated changed to show person or tense. Students complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. An infinitive is a verbal a word that expresses action. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. A gerund is a verbal that ends in ing and functions as a noun. Some verbs and verb phrases are directly followed a gerund. Page 1 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun. If a gerund is combined with a preposition, it is called a gerund phrase. Underline the gerunds or gerund phrases in the following sentences and label how they function in the sentence subject, direct object, subject complement, object of preposition. The three verbals gerunds, infinitives, and participles are formed from verbs, but are never used alone as action words in sentences. Adjective, adverb, noun clauses gerund,participial and. Underline the gerund phrases in the sentences below. This mini flip book is filled with information, examples, and activities for past and present participles, gerunds, infinitives, participle phrases, gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, dangling participles, split infinitives, and more. You know an infinitive always consists of to and the base form of the verb.

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